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  • 3 Toxic People You Need to Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

3 Toxic People You Need to Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

Losing weight is hard enough, but it can be even harder when you have to deal with toxic people who sabotage your efforts, undermine your confidence, or discourage your progress. Toxic people are those who are negative, unsupportive, or manipulative, and who make you feel bad about yourself, your choices, or your goals. They can be anyone, from your friends, family, or colleagues, to strangers, trolls, or haters. In this blog, we will reveal to you the 3 toxic people you need to avoid on your weight loss journey, and how you can deal with them effectively. Whether you are already following a diet, such as Saxenda, WW, or intermittent fasting, or you are just starting your weight loss journey, avoiding toxic people can make a huge difference in your success. So, are you ready to discover the 3 toxic people you need to avoid on your weight loss journey, and how you can handle them? Let's get started.

Toxic Person #1: The Critic

The critic is the person who constantly criticizes you, your actions, or your results. They may say things like "You are not losing enough weight", "You are doing it wrong", or "You will never reach your goals". They may also compare you to others, point out your flaws, or mock your efforts. The critic may think they are helping you, or they may have their own insecurities or agendas, but either way, they are hurting you.

The critic can affect your weight loss by:

- Lowering your self-esteem: The critic can make you doubt yourself, your abilities, and your potential, and make you feel unworthy, inadequate, or incompetent.

- Reducing your motivation: The critic can make you lose your enthusiasm, passion, and drive, and make you feel hopeless, helpless, or frustrated.

- Increasing your stress: The critic can make you feel anxious, angry, or depressed, and make you cope with negative emotions in unhealthy ways, such as overeating, skipping workouts, or isolating yourself.

How to deal with the critic:

- Ignore them: The best way to deal with the critic is to ignore them, and not let their words affect you. You can also block, unfollow, or delete them from your social media, phone, or email, and avoid contact with them as much as possible.

- Confront them: If you can't ignore them, or if they are someone close to you, you can confront them, and tell them how their criticism makes you feel, and ask them to stop. You can also set boundaries, and limit your exposure to them, or end the relationship if necessary.

- Counter them: If you want to challenge them, or if you need to defend yourself, you can counter them, and provide evidence, facts, or data that prove them wrong. You can also highlight your achievements, strengths, and qualities, and show them that you are proud of yourself and your progress.

Toxic Person #2: The Enabler

The enabler is the person who encourages you to indulge in unhealthy behaviors, such as eating junk food, drinking alcohol, or skipping exercise. They may say things like "Come on, one bite won't hurt", "You deserve a treat", or "You can always start tomorrow". They may also tempt you with offers, invitations, or gifts, or guilt-trip you into joining them. The enabler may think they are being nice, or they may have their own issues or motives, but either way, they are harming you.

The enabler can affect your weight loss by:

- Increasing your calorie intake: The enabler can make you eat more and consume more calories, which can lead to weight gain, or slow down your weight loss.

- Decreasing your calorie expenditure: The enabler can make you exercise less and burn fewer calories, which can also lead to weight gain, or slow down your weight loss.

- Interfering with your diet: The enabler can make you deviate from your diet, such as Saxenda, WW, or intermittent fasting, and make you lose the benefits, or experience the side effects, of your diet.

How to deal with the enabler:

- Reject them: The best way to deal with the enabler is to reject them, and not let their offers, invitations, or gifts sway you. You can also say no, decline, or refuse them politely, firmly, or assertively, and stick to your plan.

- Educate them: If you can't reject them, or if they are someone close to you, you can educate them, and tell them why you are following a diet, what are the benefits, and what are the rules. You can also ask them to respect your choices, and support your goals, or join you if they want.

- Compromise with them: If you want to maintain a good relationship with them, or if you need to balance your social and personal life, you can compromise with them, and find a middle ground that works for both of you. You can also plan ahead, and adjust your diet, or your schedule, to accommodate them, or treat yourself occasionally, without going overboard.

Toxic Person #3: The Saboteur

The saboteur is the person who deliberately tries to ruin your weight loss efforts, by sabotaging your diet, your exercise, or your mindset. They may say things like "You will never lose weight", "You are wasting your time", or "You are better off fat". They may also do things like hiding your scale, throwing away your food, or spreading rumors about you. The saboteur may be jealous, resentful, or threatened by your weight loss, or they may have their own agenda or vendetta, but either way, they are betraying you.

The saboteur can affect your weight loss by:

- Damaging your confidence: The saboteur can make you lose your faith, trust, and belief in yourself, and make you feel insecure, inferior, or unwelcome.

- Destroying your motivation: The saboteur can make you lose your interest, desire, and passion for your weight loss journey, and make you feel bored, tired, or overwhelmed.

- Disturbing your peace: The saboteur can make you feel angry, hurt, or betrayed, and make you deal with conflict, drama, or trauma.

How to deal with the saboteur:

- Expose them: The best way to deal with the saboteur is to expose them, and reveal their true intentions, actions, and consequences. You can also confront them, and call them out on their sabotage, and demand an explanation, an apology, or a change.

- Avoid them: If you can't expose them, or if they are too dangerous or powerful, you can avoid them, and not let their sabotage affect you. You can also distance yourself from them, and cut off any ties, communication, or interaction with them, and protect yourself from them.

- Outsmart them: If you want to beat them, or if you need to coexist with them, you can outsmart them, and use their sabotage to your advantage. You can also anticipate their moves, and prepare yourself, or counter their attacks, and prove them wrong.


Losing weight is a challenging but rewarding journey, that can help you improve your health, well-being, and happiness. However, it can also be a lonely and stressful journey, that can expose you to toxic people who can hinder your progress, hurt your feelings, or harm your results. These toxic people are the critic, the enabler, and the saboteur, and you need to avoid them on your weight loss journey, and deal with them effectively. By avoiding toxic people, you can develop a positive mindset, adopt healthy habits, and achieve your weight loss goals. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. You have Health Harmony, your weight loss companion, to help you along the way. Health Harmony can provide you with information, advice, and support, to help you make the best decisions for your health and happiness. You can also join a community of like-minded people, who share your goals, challenges, and achievements, and who can offer you encouragement, feedback, and friendship.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your weight loss journey today, and see the amazing results tomorrow. You can do it, and you deserve it. You are awesome, and you are beautiful, just the way you are.

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